We acknowledge the VA Million Veteran Program (MVP) and the VA-DOE genome-wide PheWAS core analytic team for generating the summary statistics that were used in this website.
This genome-wide PheWAS used 2,068 traits derived from electronic health records of 635,969 participants in the Million Veteran Program (MVP), a longitudinal cohort study of diverse U.S. Veterans. Analyses were run using population definitions based on two different algorithms, (1) harmonized ancestry and race/ethnicity [HARE] which uses a combination of self-report and genetic information, and (2) genetically inferred ancestry [GIA] which uses genetic similarity to 1000 Genomes Project superpopulations. The HARE population analyses included up to 121,703 African American, 8,061 Asian American, 457,880 European American, and 51,153 Hispanic/Latino American Veterans. The GIA population analyses included Veterans of African (121,177), Admixed American (59,048), East Asian (6,702), and European (449,042) genetic ancestry.The main publication will focus on the GIA population analysis.
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